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The following limitations apply when using Snowflake as a data warehouse in a Compose project.

  • Variant, object and array columns are not supported when creating the model using the discovery method. Compose will ignore such columns during discovery and issue a warning.
  • When discovering the landing zone, Snowflake converts all numeric data types to NUMBER (38,0) and is therefore not recommended. For example, discovering a table with INTEGER i and DOUBLE d columns in the landing zone would return NUMBER (38,0) for both, whereas discovering these columns in the source would return more accurate data types.
  • When ingesting data from a Replicate source that may have BIT fields (such as Microsoft SQL Server), it is recommended to define a global data type transformation in Replicate to convert BIT to STRING (1). Otherwise, Compose will convert BIT to VARCHAR (1) (as it does not support BOOLEAN), which may cause a data type mismatch in the landing zone.

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